About me

From my earliest childhood memory I had a crayon in my hand and enjoyed expresing myself through art. This creative process continues to be a vital part of my life and brings me great joy. I believe that my artistic journey and the art work I create can heal, restore, and uplift the human body, soul and spirit. I draw inspiration from nature, music, my travels, people, the scriptures and books. My love of diversity is reflected in the varied subject matter, styles and mediums I choose to work
with. The richness and interplay of colors and textures, light
and shadows, fascinate me. As a self-taught artist, I rely on divine inspiration and delight in the images that flood my imagination and often surprise me in their final form.
I especially enjoy creating images of the heart because out
of it" flows the wellspring of life." Proverbs 23:7 tells us that "as a person thinks in their heart, so they are." Our hearts house our sacredness and become a chamber for love to flow in and out
of us. What we fill our hearts with greatly influences the quality of our lives, and we become what we behold. It is my hope that my artwork will inspire beauty, grace, love, joy, passion, courage, freedom and peace in those who view it.
Art speaks in powerful ways that transcend the limitations
of spoken language and can unite people from different backgrounds and cultures. When I returned to live in my birthplace, Santa Rosa, California, I immediately got involved with the city's public art committee and the board of ArtStart to work alongside others who shared a passion for art and a
vision to beautify our city. Today Santa Rosa is graced with many public sculptures, art benches, murals and mosaics as a result of those collaborations. My billboard designs and posters have won multiple awards with Health Through Art, a
community project in Oakland, that provides the public with expressions of health and creativity to counteract substance abuse, racism, and violence which are often reinforced through destructive media imagery. My images carry messages of love, unity, hope, health and reconciliation.
As well as creating art personally I love to inspire others
and encourage them to develp their creative gifts and expand their own artistic journey. I continue to teach art classes, vision board classes and girls fashion camps throughout the community and curate art at the Journey Center. I have also
had the privilege of creating murals for various organizations and in private residences.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams